Miracle Night

How to use Miracle Night

Set the Wake-up time

Scroll through the time to set your wake-up time!
Miracle Night provides a wake-up alarm that naturally wakes your brain 30 minutes before the selected wake-up time.
select time for sleep
🌙️  Tip !
You can hear the Monaural Beats till your wake-up time
Find the best combination of MB for your condition

AI algorithm will find you the best combination of Monaural Beats for your condition today.
sleep status
🌙️  Tip !
If you don't want to select your condition, press Mix immediately to listen to the default MB sound
Find the best volume for your environment

Based on the noise decibel of your surrounding environment, we find you the optimal Monaural Beats volume!
You can set the volume according to your preference.
volume setting
🌙️  Tip !
If you're wondering if your volume is right, check out the FAQ [Volume Guide]
Listen to the Sleep guide

Choose a sleep guide that suits your condition today!
If you don't like it, you can always change and listen to the new guide :)
🌙️  Tip !
If you press "With no sleep guide" right away, you can listen to the Monaural Beats right away.
Place the device at the right position

1) Place the device about 30cm away from the ear. 30cm is about the length of a4 paper.
2) Charge the battery sufficiently. If you use Miracle Night all night long with low battery, the device can heat up.
Set inaudible frequency

If you're uncomfortable listening to Monuaral Beats or if your partner doesn't like the Monuaral Beats sound, turn on “inaudible frequency” button.
inaudible frequency
🌙️  Tip !
Monuaral Beats are effective with inaudible frequency. Check out My Page > FAQ for related papers.
Add white noise

If you're uncomfortable listening to Monuaral Beats, you can listen to the Monuaral Beats with the white noise.
asmr list
🌙️  Tip !
The white noise selected today will be automatically played tomorrow.
You can pause if any unexpected event happens

(1) If you need to stop sleeping due to an unexpected event, press the 'Pause' button in the upper left
(2) Press the 'Restart' button if you want to return to the sleeping screen after the pause
sleep screen
🌙️  Tip !
Please note that if the app is in the background for a long time, it may be terminate
You can end sleep manually

If you have to wake up earlier than the time you set up, press the X button on the upper right to end the sleep
end sleep
🌙️  Tip !
If your sleep ends within 30 minutes after you start sleeping, your data will not be saved
When you end your sleep, you can see your sleep data

You can check your bedtime, wake-up time, and the total sleep time.
You can see all information on the Sleep Calendar page
end sleep
Press the [Premium Boosters] button on the my page screen to view the payment screen

- You can buy 1-Month Infinite Boosters for $6, which is a discount from $9.
- You can buy 1-Year Infinite Boosters for $60, which is a discount from $90.
🌙️  Tip !
Booster payment can only be made on App Store